Date:February 07, 2012

Current Operation

Throughout its 30 years of experience DPD has refined and improved its Date Palm micro-propagation systems to the efficient and reliable production process in use today. The proven performance of generations of our plants in the field is testament to the quality of DPD’s product. Our plants are supplied to Government agricultural projects, the F.A.O. and other UN agricultural development agencies, nurseries and farmers throughout the Arab Gulf countries, the Middle East, the Mediterranean, North, Sub-Saharan and Southern Africa, India, Australia and South America.

Date Palms provide a highly valued staple food crop and hold a special place of esteem for farmers large and small. But its unique qualities and characteristics make it increasingly valued in more diverse projects including combating the effects of climate change and desertification, bio-remediation, green landscaping and bio-fuel production.

Greening the deserts

Previous (Facilities)

In May 2011, D.P.D. Ltd. joined the ATUL Ltd group of companies and is delighted to be assisting in their programme for developing and expanding an integrated Date Palm industry in India. ATUL’s objectives are to make a substantial contribution to the Date Palm development programme in India by implementing a sustainable project in partnership with the Government of Rajasthan. The main aims of this project are to encourage eco-restoration work and generate employment to alleviate poverty in rural, desert areas, transforming India from a major importer of Date fruit to self sufficiency and, ultimately, to being a major exporter of high quality Dates.

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